The time to market and the quality of the product can make the difference between success and failure. Poor QA outsourcing practices can increase risks, potentially creating a loss of product value and overall customer dissatisfaction. We eliminate these risks by helping you improve your ongoing QA policies. We can also manage the entire QA process, providing independent control and analysis.

To provide a productive testing environment and ensure that only bug-free products are released, we include QA from the very beginning of the development cycle. This enables us to deliver products on time and within budget, completely fulfilling your quality assurance requirements. The role of our QA engineer is not just reporting bugs to developers, but much more. The QA engineers can team up with developers, writing unit test cases and discussing acceptance requirements. This helps in resolving any lack of clarity, leading to greater efficiency and earlier feedback for all parties involved. QA assistance throughout development results in identifying bugs in the early stages and delivering an error-free and stable product in the end.

QVV Solutions provides the following testing services:

  • Functional Testing–Evaluating and verifying the system’s functionality relative to its specified requirements
  • Integration Testing–Combining program units as one component to ensure performance, functionality, and reliability between them
  • Regression Testing–Verifying that newly added changes do not have a harmful impact on the functionality of the overall system
  • User Acceptance Testing–User’s confirmation that the system has met the requirements and works as expected
  • Exploratory Testing–Identifying bugs during testing without creating the tests in advance
  • Non-Functional Testing–Ensuring the security, usability, load, performance, compliance, and scalability of the system
  • Test Automation–Automation of testing activities to control the execution of tests; setting up test preconditions and outcomes